St. Mary's Episcopal Church Kinston

Poinsettias on the Altar at Christmas

Poinsettias on the Altar at Christmas

Daily from 12/01/2024 to 12/16/2024

Location: Church Sanctuary (St. Mary's Episcopal Church), 800 Rountree St., Kinston, NC US 28501

Contact: Sherry Tanner |

At the Christmas liturgies, the altars and chancel are decorated with a sea of poinsettias in celebration of Christ’s birth. If you would like to remember a loved one or offer flowers in thanksgiving for someone, make a contribution in the Christmas offering envelopes on the Narthex tables or contact the church office. Checks should be made out to St. Mary’s Church, and place "Poinsettias" in the memo line. Also, please be sure to include the name of the person(s) of whom the flowers are in memory or honor as well as your name(s). Monday, December 16th is the deadline to ensure that names will appear in the Christmas bulletin. Please contact Sherry at with any questions.

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