1748: The first Anglican "Chapel" established on the banks of the Neuse River by the Church of England as a mission of Christ Church, New Bern, NC.
1832: The first record of "St. Mary's" in Kinston. The church met at the corner of Queen and Caswell Streets.
1846: St. Mary's "was admitted into union with the Diocesan Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church."
1873: The first church building destroyed by fire.
1875: Members met at the courthouse until property with an existing church was purchased on the corner of Independence and King Streets.
1900: The second church building destroyed by fire. Members return to the courthouse for worship.
1907: New brick building built was completed on the same site.
1948: Property purchased at the corner of Rhem and Rountree Streets for a new church site. This is the current location of St. Mary's Church.
1957: Ground breaking ceremonies conducted on September 15.
1959: Easter Sunday celebration was the first service held in the present church.
1959: Construction began on the rectory located across the street from the church.
1959: All Saints' Chapel was added.
1974: St. Mary's Nursery School opens.
1983: St. Francis Garden designated as a place to bury ashes.
1990: Major renovation modernized and revitalized the entire physical plant.
1997: A 30-space parking lot was added on Rhem Street.
2005: Creation of the "Outdoor Chapel."