About Us

Saint Mary's is a part of the Episcopal Church, a Christian denomination that is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican tradition has a rich heritage, tracing its roots back to the earliest followers of Jesus Christ and valuing the contributions made to the Christian faith by Roman Catholicism and the Protestant Reformation.  

What We Believe

Episcopalians look to three primary sources of authority for understanding God’s will for our lives:

  1. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which are the Word of God and contain all things necessary to salvation
  2. The tradition and teachings of the historic Church
  3. Our own God-given sense of reason

Two creeds, or statements of belief, have informed Christians since the days of the ancient church and both are fundamental to our understanding of God and the world.  You can read the Apostles’ Creed here and the Nicene Creed here.

The Book of Common Prayer, which guides our liturgical worship, includes a section called “The Catechism,” or “An Outline of the Faith,” which summarizes the basics of our beliefs.  You can read that section here.

Today, the work and ministry of St. Mary's is guided by several organizational statements that articulate our sense of mission, vision, and core values.  These may be read here.

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What to Expect

Sunday Worship

Saint Mary's is a church with a solid faith and a sincere heart.  We hope you experience both when you visit us for the first time.  Our sanctuary offers a sacred space to pray and to experience Jesus Christ, who is made present to us in the Scripture proclaimed and the Communion meal shared.  You'll hear a sermon reflecting on the Bible passages of the day and applied to our individual and shared lives.

Planning Your Visit

Parking and Entering

The main entrance to the church is on Rountree Street.  Access to the sanctuary is through the large wooden doors facing the street where ushers will greet you.  The office wing entrance is under the arches to the left.  Street parking is permissible on Rountree and surrounding streets.  The church parking lot is located on Rhem street.  Handicap spots are available both in front of the church and in the parking lot. 


Children are welcome in the church during the liturgy!  Two staffed nurseries are also open from 9 a.m. until noon during the Program year (Labor Day - Memorial Day), and 10 a.m. - noon during the summer.  Greeters and Ushers will be helpful in giving directions.

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